ENSEA Quality Policy

Since its creation in 1961, ENSEA has set itself the goal of training statisticians for African countries. Its training quality earned it the WAEMU Centre of Excellence label in 2005 and that of the World Bank Centre of Excellence in 2015. To strengthen its position, it has adopted an approach based on the needs and expectations of the relevant stakeholders. The implementation and continuous improvement of a Management System for Education/Training Organisations (SMOE) with reference to the ISO 21 001 standard constitute the steering tool for this approach.

Professionalism, ethics, excellence, fairness, a spirit of openness and innovation, tolerance and respect for cultural diversity are the values that underpin our commitment to all the relevant stakeholders in our institution (our students, administrative and teaching staff, and the administrative and financial authorities).

Our vision is to make ENSEA an internationally renowned centre of excellence for training and research in statistics and applied economics in Africa in the service of economic and social development. With this in mind, ENSEA has adopted an Education/Training Policy based on the following four (4) challenges:


1)  Achieving Excellence in Teaching and Learning

  • (i) strengthen existing courses and create new courses in response to the needs of National Statistical Systems (NSS);
  • (ii) build the capacity of ENSEA’s teaching staff;
  • (iii) strengthen the use of ICTs in the centre of excellence;
  • (iv) facilitate graduates’ integration;
  • (v) revitalise continuing education.


2)  Achieving Excellence in Research

  • (i) consolidate doctoral training ;
  • (ii) build the capacity of ESA researchers; and
  • (iii) enhance the value of research results.


3) Achieving Excellence in Equity and Attractiveness

  • (i) improve the living environment for students;
  • (ii) promote gender equality
  • (iii) strengthen English language learning;
  • (iv) provide assistance to students without grants;
  • (v) carry out accreditation of degrees.


4) Achieving Excellence through Management and good Governance

  • (i) reform the governance of ENSEA,
  • (ii) strengthen financial and accounting management;
  • (iii) to implement a communication policy towards partners;
  • (iv) provide technical assistance to the National Statistical Institutes (NSIs).


I am comitted to make available all appropriate resources for the design, deployment and proper operation of our SMOE.

I am committes to meet the applicable requirements.

I am committed to the continuous improvement of our SMOE.

I am committed to ENSEA’s social responsibility.

I am committed to the management of intellectual property as described in the related policy.


Abidjan, 15 October 2020



Director of ENSEA