Institutional partners, through financial or technical support, strengthen ENSEA’s capacities and enable it to achieve its objectives.

ENSEA works in close collaboration with many international partners, namely the African Development Bank, the World Bank, etc. Some of them finance the school’s projects, others are partners in the field, in the framework of the implementation of these projects.

Several institutional projects are underway at ENSEA. These are

  • ACE Impact with the French Development Agency
  • ACE with the World Bank
  • PRCS with the ADB
  • PACER with WAEMU
  • Under the Resolution No. F/ZZZB/2004/34 adopted on 8 September 2004 by the Board of Directors of the African Development Fund, the Fund agreed to provide a grant of an amount not exceeding fourteen million seven hundred and fifty thousand units of account, to contribute to the financing of support for statistical capacity building in regional member countries eligible for Fund resources within the framework of the International Comparison Programme for Africa known as ICP-Africa.

  • Depuis l’an 2006, un document projet, « Trust Fund » a été rédigé par l’ensemble des trois écoles (ENSEA, ISSEA et ENSAE-Sénégal) avec le soutien de l’Observatoire économique et statistique de l’Afrique subsaharienne (AFRISTAT) pour solliciter un appui financier auprès de la Banque Mondiale.

  • Since its creation in 1961, ENSEA has contributed to the training of more than 4,500 statisticians from African countries that share the French, English and Portuguese languages. Since 1990, ENSEA has reinforced its research activities. The quality of its training and the density of its studies have earned it, successively in 2005, the label of Regional Center of Excellence of the WAEMU and in 2015, the label of African Center of Excellence (ACE) of the World Bank.

  • The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), as part of the implementation of annual work plans approved in accordance with the Regional Programme and Plan of Action for Africa 2008-2011, has signed an agreement with ENSEA. ENSEA has committed to take responsibility for the implementation of UNFPA's assistance on the activities outlined in the 2009 annual work plan.

  • A programme cooperation agreement dated 06 March 2018 was concluded between the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and ENSEA for the implementation of a UNICEF-funded programme in conjunction with UNICEF Côte d'Ivoire.