2024 AS  Examinations Dates: 15 – 16 April 2024

ENSEA’s undergraduate Statistics Analysts program trains application managers whose role is the design, collection, analysis and dissemination of statistical output. Opened in 2020 following the results of the educational reform of the Africa Statistical Schools Network (RESA) schools’ training courses, the training lasts three academic years and includes theoretical courses, tutorials and three to four months of practical fieldwork.

RESA schools’ environment is strongly marked by academic and technological transformations (LMD reform, IT revolution) and by the evolution of the statistician’s job and data analysis specialist (Big Data, Machine, Artificial Intelligence, etc.) which require immediate adaptation, at the risk of a drop in teaching quality and isolation, which are detrimental on the international university scene. The creation of a new course for middle-level statistics managers at the secondary education baccalaureate + 3 years of university level called Statistical Analysts (AS) responds to the need to give new statistical skills to students trained.

Entry requirements

Direct Entry Examinations

Candidates must have been born after 31 December 2000 and must meet the following conditions:

  • Students registered in a High school final year (A-level/12th Grade) science class in general or technique education (*Final admission subject to obtaining the high school final year (A-level/12th Grade) science class degree.)

  • Holders of the the High school final year (A-level/12th Grade) science class degree

Vocational Entry Examinations

  • Professional candidates holding the degree of Statistics Officer (AT) or Assistant Statistics Officer (AD). (*Final admission subject to obtaining the high school final year (A-level/12th Grade) science class degree.)
  • They must prove the seniority required by the civil service statutes of their country.

Application file for candidates residing in Côte d’Ivoire

  • Application for registration addressed to the Director of ENSEA

  • Curriculum vitae

  • Copy of birth certificate

  • Copy of Diploma or Certificate of Attendance

  • Copy of certificate of nationality

  • (3) Colour passport photos of the same print

Pre-selection written test: 04 March 2023


Subject Duration  
Mathematics 3h  

Final test : 12 & 13 April 2023

Subjects Duration Coefficient
1st Mathmatics Test 4h 30
General knowledge 3h 25
2st Mathmatics Test 3h 30
Text summary 3h 15

Statistics Analysts Skills

  • Mastery of monitoring-evaluation tools;
  • Design and implementation of an information system;
  • Statistical analysis;
  • Data science ;
  • Survey ;
  • Management of organisations and operations;
  • Statistical communication ;
  • Database management

Job Opportunities

Statistical Analysts are called upon to serve in national statistical or planning services, in parapublic or private organizations (companies, state corporations). Upon completion of their training, they may work as :

  • Statistics Analysts

  • Monitoring & Evaluation Officers

  • Data Scientist

  • Database Manager

C’est un avantage pour moi d’avoir été formée à l’ENSEA. Le désir profond qui m’a attiré vers la statistique est de travailler activement au progrès économique et social de mon pays. J’ai reçu ici une formation solide et de qualité irréprochable. J’exhorte donc mes consœurs encore en formation générale dans les séries scientifiques à se présenter au concours d’entrée à l’ENSEA.

Elvira Fockam, ISE Graduate 2018

Je suis étudiante à l’ENSEA et d’origine libérienne. Si vous êtes anglophone ou lusophone, si vous désirez côtoyer des personnes de diverses cultures, et à la recherche d’un établissement pour apprendre le français et/ou poursuivre une formation en statistique ou en économie, l’ENSEA est l’endroit idéal pour vous.

Abigaël JALA, AD Graduate 2018

Malgré toutes ces années après ma formation dans cet excellent temple du savoir en matière de statistique et d’économie, c’est toujours un sentiment de fierté et de gratitude à l’endroit du peuple ivoirien, mais surtout à l’endroit de ces braves enseignants de l’ENSEA qui depuis plus de 3 décennies ont pris le relais et tiennent la dragée haute au CSD et l’ENSAI de Paris.

Abdul DIOUF, Alumni ISE, Actuel Directeur de l’ENSAE de Dakar