Student Associations

The ultimate goal of the Student Associations is to promote and defend the interests of all students in the context of their training at ENSEA and their future integration as statisticians in the professional world. At ENSEA, the association that federates all the others is the Association of Students and Trainees (AES) of ENSEA.

  • DISE: Division of Statistical Engineers and Economists
  • ITSF : I.T.S Family
  • Promotech
  • AES : Association of Students and Trainees of ENSEA
  • EJS : ENSEA Junior Services
  • CDR : Club de Débat et de Réflexions
  • EEC : Ensea English Club
  • Ecostat
  • CS: Sports Club


The term “ENSEA Alumni” refers to all the graduates of the school since its creation in 1961. It currently includes more than 4000 graduates from all over the world. It is a strong network thanks to the variety of its members and their expertise.

Access to the Alumni platform

Mutuelle du Personnel de l’Ecole de Statistique d’Abidjan (MUPESA)

Aware of the need to strengthen the relations of friendship, fraternity and solidarity between the collaborators, and also aware of the difficulties that each agent could be confronted with in the near or distant future, the staff of ENSEA gathered in a constitutive General Assembly on May 25, 1989 decided to create a mutual insurance company governed by the law n°60-315 of September 21, 1960 relating to Associations and Mutual Societies. The mutual insurance company is thus named Mutuelle du Personnel de l’Ecole de Statistique d’Abidjan, abbreviated as MUPESA.

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