Statistics Analysts
The AS competitive entry exam is open to candidates meeting the following requirements:
- Students registered in a high school final year (A-level/12th Grade) science class in general or technical education (*Final admission subject to obtaining the high school final year (A-level/12th Grade) science class degree.)
- Students holding the high school final year (A-level/12th Grade) science class degree.
- Students must have been born after 31 December 1999
- Professional candidates holding the Diploma of Statistics Officer (AT) or Assistant Statistics Officer (AD). (*Final admission subject to obtaining the high school final year (A-level/12th Grade) science class degree.)
- Professional candidates must prove the seniority required by the civil service statutes of their country.

Engineers in Statistics and Economics
Admission in this very selective training course, which thus aims to be elitist, is only gained by entry examination. It is open to candidates :
- Holders of a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics or Mathematics
- from the Scientific Preparatory Classes of the Felix Houphouet Boigny National Polytechnic Institute (INP-HB)
- Holders of the Engineering Degree in Statistics
All about the Engineering in Statistics and Economics (ISE) Course

Master in Actuarial Studies
The Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Statistique et d d’Economie Appliquée (ENSEA) of Abidjan opened in 1999 a specialization in Finance and Actuarial Science in the 3rd year of its Engineer in Statistics and Economics (ISE) Program. This Master’s degree is a double degree open to students in the ISE Program of ENSEA, as well as those in the Higher Studies in Insurance (HEA) Course of INP-HB. The students who have chosen this course will receive the double degree at the end of their training: the Degree of Engineering in Statistics and Economics (ISE) as well as that of Actuarial Science of ISFA of Lyon.

Master in Data Science
Candidates are recruited at the High School Diploma + 3 years of university degrees level with a statistical or computer science profile. The duration of the training is two years.
- Statistical profile: Statistics, Data Mining, Mathematics, Bio-Statistics, Epidemiology, Econometrics, Quantitative Finance, Actuarial Science or any related discipline.
- Computer Science Profile: Computer Science, Telecommunications, Industrial Sciences, Operations Research, Geodesy or any related discipline
Admission to the Master’s program is strictly by competitive entry examination. A first entry examination will be organised for residents in Côte d’Ivoire and a second one for residents outside Côte d’Ivoire, to take into account travel constraints.

Master in Agricultural Statistics
The recruitment is organised from the NSIs and agricultural statistical services of the following countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Benin, Togo, Niger, Burkina Faso, Democratic Republic of Congo. A call for applications will be launched in these countries. Applicants will be required to have two years of experience in the service and to sign a commitment to remain in the service for two years after the training. Applicants should have at least a High School Diploma + 4 years of university studies level. A jury composed of ENSEA lecturers will be responsible for selecting the beneficiaries of the training from among the applicants.
Recruitment level :
- Engineer in Statistics ;
- Master 1 in Agricultural Sciences ;
- Any other degree deemed equivalent.

Master in Road Infrastructure Management
- Hold a Degree in Public Works Engineering or an Engineering Diploma or a Master’s Degree (High School Diploma + 5 years of university studies level) in a related field.
- Hold a Degree in Public Works Engineering (High School Diploma + 4 years of university studies level) and have acquired a minimum of three (03) years relevant professional experience.
- Have a minimum understanding of written and spoken English (read technical English correctly and be able to hold a conversation in English)