World Bank
Since 2006, a project document, “Trust Fund” has been drafted by the three schools (ENSEA, ISSEA and ENSAE-Senegal) with the support of the Economic and Statistical Observatory of Sub-Saharan Africa (AFRISTAT) to request financial support from the World Bank.
This project document, after several amendments, was finally approved and the Bank decided to provide financial support to the three schools through its Capacity Building Support Project for Schools of Statistics (PARCES-BM) called “TFSCB TF092112”. To implement this agreement, the World Bank signed an agreement with AFRISTAT, which is responsible for managing the funds on behalf of the schools.
In general, the project aims at strengthening the capacities of African statistical schools and national statistical systems.
AfDB: African Development Bank
By virtue of Resolution No. F/ZZB/2004/34 adopted on September 8, 2004 by the Board of Directors of the African Development Fund, the Fund agreed to provide a grant of up to fourteen million seven hundred and fifty thousand units of account to contribute to the financing of statistical capacity building support for regional member countries eligible for Fund resources under the International Comparison Program for Africa known as ICP-Africa.
ENSEA is one of the implementing agencies of the program and is committed to
- Assist the African Development Bank in the implementation of ICP-Africa training activities in participating regional member countries
- Develop a research program on ICP themes
- Include ICP requirements in its activities and training programs

UNFPA: United Nations Population Fund
The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), as part of the implementation of annual work plans approved in accordance with the Regional Program and Action Plan 2008-2011 for Africa, has signed an agreement with ENSEA. ENSEA has committed to take responsibility for the implementation of UNFPA’s assistance in the activities outlined in the 2009 annual work plan.
These activities included
- The organization of a Regional Training of Trainers Workshop in Integrated Management Information System (IMIS) and subsequent support to institutions in the sub-region for the development and strengthening of integrated management information systems;
- The organization of a regional training workshop on the CsPro software and subsequent support to partner institutions for national capacity building in census data processing.
- UNFPA’s support also sometimes takes the form of computer equipment donations or funding for the academic survey.
AFRISTAT : Economic and Statistical Observatory for Sub-Saharan Africa
ENSEA is developing several types of partnerships with IRD. In the area of population, collaboration between the two institutions has resulted in the creation of three population observatories: Memni-Montezo, Boundiali and Sassandra. Periodic research is conducted in the different laboratories on issues such as fertility, poverty and living conditions of the population as well as the study of morbidity and mortality, especially of children. Numerous publications are the result of research from these observatories. The IRD supports ENSEA researchers through small research grants. Thus, a multidisciplinary team of young researchers have joined forces to conduct research on the theme of poverty and population dynamics in Côte d’Ivoire. In terms of training, the IRD provides doctoral grants to young researchers associated with ENSEA to strengthen ENSEA’s institutional capacity for population research.

Tulane University
On 28 April 2008, the Council of Ministers adopted the conclusions of a communication concerning a request for authorization from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Statistique et d’Economie Appliquée and Tulane University (New Orleans, USA) for the implementation, over a period of 2 years, of a research project on “child labor in the plantation economy”, particularly in the cocoa sector. Several agreements have been signed in this framework. The last one, signed in March 2009, entrusted ENSEA with the organization of a study on the trafficking of Malian and Burkinabe children to work on cocoa plantations in Côte d’Ivoire. The collection of survey data should include a quantitative and a qualitative component. The scope of the study should take into account the countries of origin of the children.
Tulane University is an American university, founded in 1834 and privatized in 1884, located in New Orleans, Louisiana. Tulane is one of the best universities in the southern United States, highly selective, and developing very good academic research.
IRD: Institute of Research for Development
ENSEA is developing several types of partnerships with IRD. In the area of population, collaboration between the two institutions has resulted in the creation of three population observatories: Memni-Montezo, Boundiali and Sassandra.
Periodic research is conducted in the different laboratories on issues such as fertility, poverty and living conditions of the population as well as the study of morbidity and mortality, especially of children. The IRD supports ENSEA researchers through small research grants. Thus, a multidisciplinary team of young researchers have joined forces to conduct research on the theme of poverty and population dynamics in Côte d’Ivoire.
In terms of training, the IRD provides doctoral grants to young researchers associated with ENSEA to strengthen ENSEA’s institutional capacity for population research.