Since 2005, ENSEA and the National Institute of Statistics and Demography (INSD) of Burkina Faso have agreed to undertake a mutual cooperation aimed at supporting the training of competent statistical technicians for the Burkina Faso Statistical System in a Training Centre located in Ouagadougou.
This partnership took concrete form in 2005 with the opening of with the opening of a Statistics Division of the Ecole Nationale des Régies Financières (ENAREF), which trains statistical officers and technical assistants, which trains statistical officers and technical assistants.
Within the framework of this partnership, ENSEA participates in the organisation of entrance examinations by proposing and correcting the tests and organising the entrance jury. ENSEA also supports the pedagogical coordination and carries out teaching missions. Finally, ENSEA participates in the end-of-year jury and delivers the diplomas.