Within the framework of their cooperation, the INS and ENSEA intend to work together in the following areas of intervention:
Initial training of statistician students:
- Provision of lecturers
- Training courses
- Exploitation of databases
Professional training of statistical officers:
- Continuing training leading to a qualification
- In-service training leading to a diploma
- Preparation for entrance examinations to the Engineering in Statistics and Economics (ISE) and Engineering in Statistics (ITS) courses
Promotion of statistics:
- Promotion workshops, statistics days
- Joint participation in national statistical seminars
Mutual technical support in research:
- Joint responses to certain calls for tender
- Provision of databases or specific studies
- Occasional logistical support
In addition, ENSEA receives support from the INS through the provision of expert statisticians and demographers as lecturers-researchers. For the educational studies, the INS undertakes to make available to ENSEA the cartography and the sampling bases of the surveyed areas. Each year, the INS will also welcome trainees from ENSEA for their supervision.
In return, ENSEA undertakes to organise annual training seminars for INS staff, and the latter have the opportunity to enrol freely in preparatory courses for the entrance examinations in ITS and ISE courses.
This sharing of experience and opportunities between the two institutions is evolving and will be supplemented and/or clarified by specific agreements.