After 2 years of training for some and 3 years for others, ENSEA held on Friday, August 5, 2022, the graduation ceremony of its 2022 promotion.
The 2022 promotion of ENSEA is named, Nialé KABA class, after their godmother, Mrs. Minister of Planning and Development.
Composed of 118 graduates including 42 Engineers in Statistics and Economics (ISE), 46 Engineers in Statistics (ITS) and 30 Statistical Officers Statistics (AD).
This year particularly marks the last graduating promotions of the Programs of the Engineers in Statistics (ITS), opened in 1963 and the Statistical Officers (AD), opened in 1968 to meet the requirements of the educational reform of ENSEA training courses. These courses will henceforth be open only
at the request of the countries.
During this ceremony, which marked the naming of the
33rd promotion of ISE
44th promotion of ITS
61st promotion of AD,
The Minister of Planning and Development, Kaba Nialé, Godmother of the promotion, recalled the shared values of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Statistique et d’Economie Appliquée : ENSEA is a nursery for the training of high-level African executives, a centre of excellence whose influence and reputation go beyond Africa. All these years, it is committed to responding to the requests of its partners and the Ivorian government by providing them with methodological tools, as well as quality human resources to effectively contribute to the economic and social progress of our country,” said the minister. She took the opportunity to congratulate the Director of the school, Hugues Kouadio, “who, following in the footsteps of his predecessors, has been able to maintain quality and make significant changes, as I wished, to further enhance the image of the institution. In addition, the Minister of Planning and Development urged the graduates to put into practice what they have learned. “Have audacity, ingenuity, flexibility because these are assets to succeed in a constantly changing world. Have rigour, commitment,” she said. She then congratulated them before reminding them that “the excellent results obtained after years of hard work must be put at the service of the respective States.
The Director of ENSEA, Dr. Hugues KOUADIO, welcomed the presence of the Godmather of the promotion of 2022, a sign of his commitment to a well-trained and responsible youth as well as the development of the African statistical system. He then projected the reform of the institution’s training courses, saying that this is part of the implementation of the action plan associated with the World Bank’s African Centre of Excellence label obtained in 2015.
Kassé Ange Yannick, spokesman for the graduates, said he was proud to have as a Godmother, the Minister of Planning and Development, “you offer us your image, your personality, your model of success as an example and compass to face the professional world,” he said.
Ensea, created in 1961, is an institution of higher education and research whose vocation is to train African and Haitian statisticians. To date, more than 4,500 statisticians have been trained and can be found in various sectors of activity throughout the world.
ENSEA, not just a school, a mindset!