As part of the ENSEA/HEA/ISFA Actuarial Master’s program, students are required to complete a work group during their studies.

This is an issue  that explicitly calls for skills in actuarial science, finance or statistics and that meets the needs of your body (insurance, finance, provident institutions, consulting firm, etc.) on which the students will work and whose results will be the subject of a thesis.

The format is as follows:

  • From November 28, 2022 to April 28, 2023, students in groups of 2 will spend 150 hours on the project (2 days per week in their timetable).


You are hereby invited to make your proposals for themes by specifying the following elements in your proposal:

  • Theme :
  • Supervisor (Name, function and contact)
  • Context and issues
  • Objectives
  • Data used
  • Expected deliverables


Please send your topics by Wednesday 23 November 2022 at the latest to the following addresses:


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