From November 16 to December 23, 2022, ENSEA of Abidjan is crisscrossing the cities of Côte d’Ivoire through an awareness campaign among young girls attending science class to statistical training by introducing them to ENSEA as a Centre of Excellence in statistical training accessible both to boys and girls.
This awareness campaign whose theme is “girls and statistics” is placed under the patronage of Mrs. Nialé KABA, Minister of Planning and Development, also an Engineer in Statistics and Economist.
This awareness campaign mainly aims to change the narrative and stereotypes according to which STEM and statistical training in particular would be the exclusive preserve of men and is also aiming at increasing the rate of girls in ENSEA’s training courses from 20 to 30% by 2025.
During the information sessions, students from the 2nd to the 3rd year of science class were presented with testimonies from working female statisticians on ENSEA statistical training opportunities, entry requirements, training courses and competitive entrance exams for 2023.
For its 4th edition, the campaign is expected in the cities of Gagnoa -Soubré – Méagui -San Pédro – Gd Béréby- Adzopé – Akoupé- Abengourou -Tanda – Bondoukou – Bouna – Ferké- Odiénné -Touba Man – Abidjan – Anyama-Aboisso- Gd Lahou-Tiassalé-Yamousoukro and Dabou.
Information sessions for school guidance inspectors are organised with a view to giving them the right information on the institution and to presenting them the results of the educational reform of the training courses of the Network of African Statistical Schools (RESA), and in particular the creation of the undergraduate Statistics Analysts course at a High School Diploma +3 years of tertiary studies level, taking up the achievements and skills of the AT and AD courses, which aims to meet the requirements of academic and technological transformations (BMD reform, computer revolution) and the evolving change of the profession of statistician and data analysis specialist (Big Data, Machine, Artificial Intelligence, etc. ).
The highlight of this awareness-raising activity will take place in Abidjan during the 2nd edition of ENSEA open days with the initiation of ENSEA female statistician’s day. This day will consist of an experience sharing between young girls in science classes, female statisticians in training and female graduates of ENSEA on Saturday, January 7, 2023.
The dates for the 2023 competitive entrance examinations are defined as folows:
- Engineer in Statistics and Economics (ISE) Registration: 05 Jan-03 Feb; Test: 05-06 April
- Statistics Analyst (AS): 05 Jan-09 Feb; Preselection test: 04 March; Final test: 12 & 13 April
Online registration is mandatory from 05 Jan 2023 on www.concours.ensea.ed.ci