The official opening ceremony of the Summer School on Development Methodologies was held on Thursday, July 7, 2022 at the premises of ENSEA of Abidjan, the African Centre of Excellence for in Statistical Training.
Co-organised by the “Development Methodologies” Chair, the French Development Agency (AFD), ENSEA Abidjan, Abdul Latif Jameel Laboratory for Poverty Alleviation (J-PAL) and the Innovation Fund for Development (IDF) and ENSEA Abidjan, this ceremony was attended by high ranking personalities including Mrs. Nialรฉ KABA, Minister of Planning and Development and Supervising Minister of ENSEA, Mr. Adama DIAWARA, Minister of Finance and Administration, Mr. Moussa Moussa, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Ms. Esther DUFLO, Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), co-founder of J-PAL and winner of the 2019 Nobel Prize in Economics, representatives of the AFD and policy makers from 15 African countries (French and English speaking).
This summer school is a scientific meeting that aims to highlight the role of impact assessment in the development of effective public policies by linking decision-makers and researchers on development policies. It provides a unique framework for bringing together researchers and policy makers from across Africa and the West while fostering strong synergy between African researchers and their peers from overseas.
Before proceeding to the official opening of the 2022 session of this summer school, Mrs. Nialรฉ KABA, indicated that a strengthening of the monitoring and evaluation system through the development of the national policy of evaluation of public policies has been undertaken by her ministry to ensure the optimal steering of policies and improve accountability.
“It is therefore an opportunity to promote throughout the continent the culture of economic analysis based on advanced quantitative methods,” Minister Nialรฉ KABA said in her speech.
This reflection platform is also a rich opportunity to promote a strong synergy of action between the world of research and that of decision makers.
During this opening ceremony, the winner of the 2019 Nobel Prize in Economics, Ms. Esther DUFLO, made a presentation on the education system.
“If children are capable of learning and teachers capable of teaching, could the problem be that the content of education is not adequate?
As a reminder, this summer school is part of the activities to promote research at ENSEA.
Indeed, ENSEA has extensive experience in conducting studies and research. Through its research department, it conducts studies and expertise in collaboration with various institutions and on behalf of public, private, national and international organisations, in particular the evaluation of public policies in areas such as education (the Ladies for Mathematics project), digital (the market study on the demand for digital skills) and social (the social safety nets project).
Students are also introduced to research at an early stage by involving them in fieldwork, data analysis and research activities.