PhD Training and Research: 2nd Visit of Economist Rabah Arezki to ENSEA in Abidjan PhD Training and Research: 2nd Visit of Economist Rabah Arezki to ENSEA in Abidjan PhD Training and Research: 2nd Visit of Economist Rabah Arezki to ENSEA in Abidjantaki.kouame2022-10-18T11:14:48+00:00July 7th, 2022|
Results of the African Schools of Statistics Competitive Entrance Examinations Results of the African Schools of Statistics Competitive Entrance Examinations Results of the African Schools of Statistics Competitive Entrance Examinationstaki.kouame2022-10-18T12:10:36+00:00July 1st, 2022|
Summer School: Development Methodologies Summer School: Development Methodologies Summer School: Development Methodologiestaki.kouame2022-10-18T12:28:56+00:00June 20th, 2022|
ENSEA Language Laboratory Graduation Ceremony ENSEA Language Laboratory Graduation Ceremony ENSEA Language Laboratory Graduation Ceremonytaki.kouame2022-10-18T13:32:24+00:00June 17th, 2022|
A Delegation from ENSEA Abidjan at the 7th ACE Impact Regional Workshop, Cotonou-Benin A Delegation from ENSEA Abidjan at the 7th ACE Impact Regional Workshop, Cotonou-Benin A Delegation from ENSEA Abidjan at the 7th ACE Impact Regional Workshop, Cotonou-Benintaki.kouame2022-10-18T14:22:03+00:00June 17th, 2022|
Doctoral Training: Reaction of the Participants to the Seminars led by the Economist Rabah Arezki Doctoral Training: Reaction of the Participants to the Seminars led by the Economist Rabah Arezki Doctoral Training: Reaction of the Participants to the Seminars led by the Economist Rabah Arezkitaki.kouame2022-10-18T14:36:13+00:00June 16th, 2022|