The Director of ENSEA, Dr Hugues KOUADIO, congratulates the Ivorian team at the 2023 PANAFRICAN MATHEMATICS OLYMPIADS, which took place from 13 to 22 May in RWANDA.

The team performed brilliantly, winning several medals, including 1 silver and 2 bronze medals in the girls’ ranking and 2 silver and 4 bronze medals in the overall ranking.

The winners were

  • GBANZAร Esmonne Marie Andrรฉa (F): 2 silver medals
  • KOBON Kobon Yann Samuel (M): 1 bronze medal
  • KOFFI Johannel Marie-Fodiรฉ (M): 1 silver medal
  • KOUASSI Serge (M) : 1 bronze medal
  • KRAH Ange Victoria (F) : 2 bronze medals
  • YAO Apo Laurianne (F): 2 bronze medals

The International Maths Olympiad brings together the best mathematics students from different countries for a high-level competition. This event is a way of promoting mathematics and stimulating talented students in this field.

As part of its efforts to promote the STEMs, ENSEA supported the Ivorian team by providing classrooms for revision.

Congratulations to the candidates !

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