Call for Applications for the Recruitment of PhD Students
ENSEA, the World Bank's African Centre of Excellence, invites applications for the recruitment of the sixth cohort of PhD students for the academic year 2022-2023.
The Ecole Nationale Supรฉrieure de Statistique et d'Economie Appliquรฉe d'Abidjan (ENSEA) is a National Public Institution (NPE) of Higher Education and Research, labelled as a Centre of Excellence by the World Bank.
As part of the strengthening of research at ENSEA and its partner schools, the Centre of Excellence has opened a Doctoral Programme (DP) in Statistics and Applied Economics. The mission of the Doctoral Training is to promote training for and through research in four priority areas with direct or indirect effects on socio-economic development. These are :
- Quantitative Economics ;
- Statistics and Social Sciences;
- Statistics and Public Health and
- Statistical Methodology.
The candidate must have a quantitative profile and must hold a Master's degree with a research profile, a diploma in design engineering or any other diploma recognised by CAMES as conferring the degree of Master, following a training course with honours and establishing aptitude for research;
3.1 Content of the application file :
- A letter of motivation addressed to the Director of ENSEA;
- A recent detailed curriculum vitae (CV);
- A legalized copy of the High School diploma;
- A legalized copy of diplomas obtained after the BAC and transcripts, and any other evidence that may support the application;
- A thesis research proposal of five (5) pages maximum clearly indicating the title, the problem, the objectives, the analysis approach, a review of the literature, the hypotheses and the expected results as well as the corresponding bibliographical references. Particular attention will be paid to the quality of the proposed research topic and its relevance to the research interests of CEA researchers or to economic development issues;
- Two (2) letters of recommendation justifying the student's research capacity (preferably two letters from professors qualified to direct a thesis);
3.2 Application file submission
Applications including all certified documents are received exclusively by electronic means at the following address: ecoledoctorale@ensea.edu.ci. Please mention in the subject line "Application for the recruitment of the 6th promotion doctoral students ".
Applications submission deadline is 31 March 2023. For further information, please go to ENSEA, Office 802 or contact the following numbers
- TEL: (225) 27 22 44 08 42
- CEL: (225) 07 67 52 49 30 Website: www.ensea.ed.ci
The selection will be made in two phases. The first phase is an analysis of the applications on the basis of which a shortlist of candidates will be drawn up. The second phase will consist of an oral interview with the candidates selected at the end of the first phase. A telephone interview (via Skype or any other means of communication) will be organised for candidates residing outside Cรดte d'Ivoire.
NB: Only eligible candidates will receive an e-mail inviting them to the auditions.
Candidates declared admitted at the end of the second selection phase will participate in the doctoral training with possible financial support from the ENSEA management. Furthermore, doctoral students are invited to seek additional funding for their research work.
The teaching is provided by ENSEA lecturers and by professors from the partner universities. The training will focus on advanced statistical and economic analysis tools and techniques. The theoretical and applied training aimed at building the capacity of young PhD researchers will take place over nine (9) months. The duration of the doctoral training is three (3) years, at the end of which a public defense in front of a jury of internal and external professors at ENSEA will be organized.
NB: Important dates:
- Preselection file submission deadline: 31 March 2023
- Preselection results for the participation in the interviews: 28 April 2023
- Conduct of application interviews: 30 May 2023
- Publication of results: 05 June 2023
- Start of training: September 2023
Any incomplete application will be systematically rejected.