The Performance Monitoring for Action (PMA) Cรดte d'Ivoire team took part in the 3rd session of the Virtual Bootcamp from 12 to 14 July 2022 at ENSEA in Abidjan.

This training and experience sharing activity was initiated as part of the global Technical Knowledge eXchange (TKX) initiative to meet the learning needs of the entire team. The objective of this activity was to build a collaborative learning space focused on the implementation of key technical areas of the PMA project, encouraging greater autonomy of country teams in survey operations, Open Data Kit (ODK) programming, data management and analysis.

Dr. Raรฏmi FASSASSI, Professor at ENSEA and Assistant to the Principal Investigator of the project, came personally to ensure that this activity took place.

During these training sessions, several topics were covered, including the calculation of panel weights within the framework of the project, the use of a telephone survey monitoring tool and the design of videos using Shotcut software.

As a reminder, the Performance Monitoring for Action (PMA) project, which is a platform for the collection of reliable and more recent data, effectively contributes to improving knowledge on family planning and reproductive health within the member countries.

With financial support from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, it is being implemented in 11 countries: Burkina Faso, Cรดte d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Niger, Nigeria, Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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